4 Solar Panel Myths and Misconceptions

Interested in switching to solar power but are nervous that you’ll run into complications in the future? The source of your doubt may lie in various solar myths you’ve heard over time, which can dissuade you from giving a solar system a try. Let’s take a look at four common solar panel myths and what […]

Do Solar Panels Need Cleaning?

Two Men Installing Solar Panels on a Roof

After completing your residential solar installation in NJ, you may be wondering how to clean your new solar panels; or if cleaning is required at all. There are many facets of solar panel cleaning you should familiarize yourself with if, so here is everything you need to know about cleaning solar panels:

Don’t Install Solar Panels Yourself — Always Call a Professional

Two Men Installing Solar Panels on a Roof

Have you thought about starting a DIY solar project? While it might initially sound like a great way to make the switch to solar, a DIY solar installation carries with it many challenges and complications. Instead, you’re better off calling a professional solar installer to get the job done for these four reasons and more.

 Protect Against Increasing Energy Prices — Make the Switch to Solar!

A faceless man connects a solar panel.

Don’t rely on the power supply — generate your own electricity with solar panels! When you install solar panels on your roof, you’ll be able to become less dependent on the power grid and avoid many of the problems that come with it, specifically, the rapid rise of energy prices. Here’s a look at why […]

Replacing Your Roof? Now’s a Great Time to Add Solar!

Residential Solar Panels

Are you considering replacing your roof? If so, now is the perfect time to add solar panels to your home or business. Not only will you be upgrading your roof, but you’ll also be taking advantage of the many benefits of solar power. At Impact Solar, we’re here to help you make the switch to […]

Can Solar Panels Be Installed in the Winter?

Solar panels can be seen on the roof of a home during winter. Snow is all around and it appears to be extremely cold.

A question that our team is often asked is, “Can solar panels be installed in winter”? Most people think solar panel installations can only be done during the spring and summer, but that’s not the case. Solar panels can be installed throughout the year, and installing solar panels in the winter is actually an excellent […]

Using Solar Power to Charge Your Electric Car

A tesla charges near solar panels.

Homeowners can power their houses using energy converted from sunlight through solar power. However, can you charge an electric car with solar panels? Absolutely! Whether it’s charging a car or a smartphone, solar systems can provide energy for both. Even a home with only ten panels can provide enough power to charge the battery of […]

Is Solar Power Right for Me?

A residential home is pictured with solar panels installed on the roof. The home is light green with a brown roof. It looks to be built during the mid-20th century.

Apart from adopting a clean energy source, there are many advantages to switching to solar. The cost of both solar panels and installation is dropping, and technological improvements are making them more effective than previous models, leading many to go solar.  But are solar panels worth it? More often than not, absolutely. However, there are […]

Things Every Homeowner Should Consider Before Installing Solar Panels on Their Roof

Two workers install solar panels on a residential roof.

If you’ve been thinking about installing solar panels on a home, there are several things to consider before doing so. Installing solar panels is a great way to save money on electricity and generate renewable energy that doesn’t harm the environment. Yet, homeowners should consider all aspects of a solar panel installation before moving ahead […]

Solar Panel Recycling: How It’s Done and Why It’s Vital to the Environment

A father, mother, and toddler are sitting looking at a solar panel. They are smiling as the father points to the panel.

As more families and businesses seek environmentally friendly energy alternatives, more solar panels have been produced and installed into homes and buildings as a clean energy source. However, with more panels in use, the more material waste there will be when they are no longer usable. Therefore, it is vital for solar panel owners to […]